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pytest-client-tools provides a number of fixtures for pytest.


This fixture signals that the test requires the Candlepin server, and in particular an upstream Candlepin.

The type of the fixture is the Candlepin class.

This fixture has a "session" scope.

This fixture cannot be used together with the external_candlepin & any_candlepin fixtures.

The usage of this fixture to a test automatically adds a candlepin marker to that test.


This fixture signals that the test requires the Candlepin server, and in particular an external Candlepin server whose details are in the configuration.

This fixture requires details of a Candlepin server set up in the configuration, and if a server is not fully configured then this fixture will skip the test automatically. The configuration keys that are needed for this are:

  • candlepin.port
  • candlepin.prefix
  • either of:
    • candlepin.username and candlepin.password
    • candlepin.activation_keys and

The type of the fixture is the Candlepin class.

This fixture has a "session" scope.

This fixture cannot be used together with the candlepin & any_candlepin fixtures.

The usage of this fixture to a test automatically adds a external_candlepin marker to that test.


This fixture signals that the test requires a Candlepin server, and it does not matter which (upstream with test data, or external).

If an external Candlepin is available, then it will be used as object of this fixture (i.e. it will be the same as external_candlepin); otherwise, the upstream Candlepin will be used (i.e. it will be the same as candlepin).

The type of the fixture is the Candlepin class.

This fixture has a "session" scope.

This fixture cannot be used together with the candlepin & external_candlepin fixtures.

The usage of this fixture to a test automatically adds a any_candlepin marker to that test.


This fixture signals that the test uses subscription-manager.

When a Candlepin fixture (candlepin, external_candlepin, any_candlepin) is used together with the subman fixture in a test, then the subman fixture will automatically configure its SubscriptionManager object to register to the Candlepin object of the Candlepin fixture.

The system is unregistered when the fixture gets out of scope, i.e. when a test finishes its execution.

The type of the fixture is the SubscriptionManager class.

This fixture has a "function" scope.

In case the subman_session fixture is used when this fixture is used, then its behaviour changes:

  • there is no more automatic configuration of the SubscriptionManager object, as the object provided by subman_session will have already done its own configuration
  • the system is no more unregistered at the end of the scope of this fixture

which means that thix fixture is still usable to interact with subscription-manager; in this case, there should be care about not unregistering during a test, otherwise it breaks the assumptions that tests have when using the subman_session fixture.

The usage of this fixture to a test automatically adds a subman marker to that test.


This fixture is equivalent to the subman fixture, and the only difference is the "session" scope; because of this, the unregistration of the system happens at the end of the test session.

When used, this modifies how the subman fixture behaves; please check the documentation of that fixture for more details.


This fixture signals that the test uses insights-client.

The type of the fixture is the InsightsClient class.

The usage of this fixture to a test automatically adds a insights_client marker to that test.


This fixture signals that the test uses rhc.

The type of the fixture is the Rhc class.

The usage of this fixture to a test automatically adds a rhc marker to that test.


This fixture provides the configuration used for the tests.

The type of the fixture is the TestConfig class.


This fixture signals that the test needs to connect to the Insights Inventory server according to the details (e.g. the insights.base_url key) in the configuration.

The type of the fixture is the Inventory class.

This fixture has a "session" scope.

Since the Inventory service is what insights-client uses, this fixture may be used only when the external_candlepin fixture is used. Also, certain methods of the fixture (e.g. this_system()) require the insights_client fixture.

The usage of this fixture to a test automatically adds a external_inventory marker to that test.